19世纪下半叶,开始大规模引进法国新品种,如Cabernet Sauvignon,Merlot,Pinot blanc,Pinot noir,Pinot gris,Aligote,Sauvignon blanc,Gamay,Muscat blanc等。
正是在这个时候,摩尔多瓦成为著名的葡萄酒生产基地,Negru de Purcari和Romanesti等品种也开始在此地进行酿造。
After the Treaty of Bucharest in 1812, when the region became a province of the Russian Empire, the wine industry flourished again. The main varieties were the traditional ones: Rară Neagră, Plavai, Galbena, Zghiharda, Batuta Neagră, Fetească Albă, Fetească Neagră, Tămâioasa, Cabasia and many other local, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Greek, and Turkish varieties. In this period, the grape growers gained governmental support and by 1837 the vineyard area in Bessarabia reached 14,000 hectares, and the wine production reached 12 million litres. The second half of the 19th century saw an intensive planting of newly introduced French varieties, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot blanc,Pinot noir, Pinot gris, Aligote, Sauvignon blanc, Gamay, Muscat blanc. It was at this time that wines like Negru de Purcari and Romanesti, which have made Moldova famous as a fine wine producer, began to be produced.